The Magnetic Resonance Research Center (MRRC) at ASU is the regional southwest resource for characterization and structure determination of proteins, DNA, biomolecules, chemical compounds and solid materials by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR).
This world-class facility has 850, 800, 600 and 500 MHz NMR spectrometers optimized for protein, biopolymer and DNA structure studies; two 400 MHz spectrometers for routine synthetic and drug design applications; and 400 MHz wide-bore systems for solid state NMR, diffusion and exotic NMR experiments. The 850, 800 and 600 MHz NMR systems are equipped with cryogenically cool triple resonance probes. The 850 and 800 MHz instruments have dual solids/liquids capabilities, including the first Ultra-Fast Magic-Angle Spinning probe and BioMAS probe at 800 MHz.
The center also offers unique magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) capabilities. The 800 MHz instrument has been equipped with a 12 mm MRI probe with 300 G/cm imaging gradients. The ultra-high magnetic field (18.8 T) provides large gains in sensitivity and resolution for imaging and localized spectroscopy, facilitating a level of detail not accessible with lower field instruments.
The MRRC supports collaborative research and training in NMR/MRI across disciplines with a special emphasis on projects at the interfaces of molecular medicine, bioengineering, bio-inspired chemistry and physics, and materials research. The MRRC is designed to expand with the growing needs for NMR/MRI research capabilities, not only within ASU, but from regional research institutions as well.