Get started

If you are new to the Histology Core Facility, please contact to schedule a consultation (to determine the most appropriate instrument for your research) or specific instrument training.

Required safety trainings

Once you have Career EDGE access, you will need to complete the following trainings before working in our labs.

To schedule time on equipment
  1. Sign in to iLab using the button in the upper-right-hand corner of the screen.
  2. A list of the available core facilities at ASU can be found on the second tab. Go to the Regenerative Medicine Core Facility page on iLab (under Arizona State University – Cores at Biosciences header).
  3. Trained users can schedule time on the appropriate instrumentation under “Schedule Equipment”
  4. Click and Drag within the instrument calendar for the day and time you wish to reserve the instrument. The system will request your name and lab. You will next advance to the reservation details screen. Fill in the form as completely as possible. For the Billing area, only the account number is required.
  5. Be sure to save your reservation when you have completed filling out the form.
To place a service request:
  1. Sign in to iLab using the button in the upper-right-hand corner of the screen.
  2. A list of the available core facilities at ASU can be found on the second tab. Go to the Regenerative Medicine Core Facility page on iLab (under Arizona State University – Cores at Biosciences header).
  3. Select the “Request Services” tab, find the service you are interested in and initiate a request. Upon review, you will be sent a quote that you can request, modify or decline.
  4. Once a quote has been accepted, the research specialist will reach out to schedule the sample drop-off and discuss any specific details regarding the service. For individuals looking to set up long term storage in the -150C freezer a meeting will be scheduled to transfer the samples into a storage box and assigned to a rack.
  5. The research specialist will contact you when the samples are ready for pickup.