Academic Course Support for Faculty

Research Computing supports many academic courses throughout the year - from providing temporary class accounts to providing customized presentations for your class. This service is meant for faculty who are teaching academic courses and who need to create accounts for their classes at the beginning of each semester. 

For faculty members who would like to request that your academic course be supported on Research Computing’s systems, please fill out this request form. Basic information about your academic course, a class roster (.csv, Excel, or text file) that includes the first and last names of your students as well as their ASURITE ids will be required. Once submitted, a member of our team will reach out and assist with this request. Additional instructions for faculty can be found here

Training and Workshops 

Research Computing offers a wide variety of educational resources including virtual or in-person workshops and training sessions, hosted virtual “office hours,” online training materials, and user documentation. Below are some examples of the training provided to the community.

  • Beginner's Guide to Research Computing

  • How to Use the Linux Shell

  • Simplifying Data Transfers with Globus

  • Python: Applications and Uses in Research Computing

  • Introduction to R for Research Computing

  • Accelerating Research with GPUs 

  • Applications and Uses of MATLAB

  • Python: Deep Learning

  • Python: Machine Learning

  • Advanced Computing Techniques

  • Software Carpentry Lessons 

For an updated list of Research Computing workshops and useful resources, visit our documentation site here


Gil Speyer, Director, Computational Research Accelerator

Jason Yalim, Assistant Research Professor, Computational Research Accelerator

Rebecca Belshe, Sr Software Application Analyst and CI Facilitator, Research Engagement

(Our instructors are all Software Carpentry certified.) 


Our team of experts serves as a technical resource to ASU researchers, assisting in code development, architecture, debugging, profiling, optimization, maintenance, and documentation. In its close affiliation with the ASU Research Computing organization, our team of facilitators and scientific software engineers promotes best practices in using HPC resources, including GPU acceleration.

With a wide portfolio of successfully completed projects from statistical/machine learning on large datasets to large-scale numerical solutions of PDEs, SSE brings current software standards and employs the latest tools and libraries in each new effort. Furthermore, computational research can be scaled to run on large numbers of CPUs or the GPU. Visualization and workflow development services are also available. 

Our team:

  • Continuously evaluates new tools and technologies for use in existing and future clusters
  • Avails researchers of nationally available external resources
  • Develops training materials for instruction, including Software Carpentries certified workshops.


ASU Research Computing engages in a variety of outreach efforts locally at ASU as well as within the state of Arizona, regionally, and nationally. Examples of our engagements include: 

  • ASU schools, colleges, and academic departments 

  • Faculty recruits, existing faculty researchers, and researchers from “non-traditional” disciplines 

  • Research Computing Governance Board 

  • State of Arizona tri-university research computing partners

  • Peer institutions across the country 

  • Regional, national, and international partnerships with communities such as RMACC, the Sun Corridor Network, and Women in HPC

Members of our staff are happy to meet with you and discuss our services, resource offerings, outreach activities, or opportunities to collaborate and partner on research efforts. Submit a request for a consultation.

Share the Knowledge! 

Research Computing is for everyone! Please feel share our information sheet with our colleagues, new faculty, faculty recruits, or fellow researchers and students. Contact us if you would like to schedule an appointment with of our team members.