
Equipment Techniques
BD Accuri C6 Flow Cytometer Cell Analyzer Equipped with a blue (488nm) and red laser (640nm), two light scatter detectors and four fluorescence detectors with optical filters optimized for the detection of many popular fluorochromes, including FITC, PE, PerCP - Cy5.5 and APC
BD FACS Celesta Cell Analyzer Equipped with a blue(488nm), red(640nm), and violet laser (450nm), three light scatter detectors and12 fluorescence detectors with optical filters optimized for the detection of many popular fluorochromes, including FITC, PE, PI, PerCP-Cy5.5
BD FACSAria IIu Cell Sorter Fluorescently activated cell sorting, Cell analysis
BD FACSymphony S6 Fluorescence Activated Cell Sorter Fluorescently activated cell sorting
FlowJo Data Analysis Computer
Life Technologies Attune NxT with Autosampler Cell analysis