
BD Accuri C6 Flow Cytometer

Service ASU rate Nonprofit/other academic rate Notes
BD Accuri C6 Flow Cytometer $11/hr unassisted $53/hr unassisted A self-service flow cytometer that supports a wide array of applications including immunology, cell and cancer biology, plant and microbiology applications.

BD FACS Celesta

Service ASU rate Nonprofit/other academic rate Notes
BD FACS Celesta  $11/hr unassisted $58/hr unassisted A self-service flow cytometer with autosampler that supports a wide array of applications including immunology, cell and cancer biology, plant and microbiology applications.

BD FACSAria IIu Cell Sorter

Service ASU rate Nonprofit/other academic rate Notes
Cell sorting $100/hour $142/hour Samples are run by Flow Core Staff on behalf of the researcher.

FlowJo Data Analysis Computer

Service ASU rate Nonprofit/other academic rate Notes
Access to computer with FlowJo data analysis software No Charge $21/hour   Unassisted

Life Technologies Attune NxT with Autosampler

Service ASU rate Nonprofit/other academic rate Notes
Equipment Use

Cell Analysis- Unassisted





Unassisted rate requires a 2 hour instrument training led by Flow Core staff.
Equipment Use

Cell Analysis- Assisted
$100/hour $158/hour