The Agilent 1290 HPLC is coupled to the Agilent 6530 quadrupole/time-of-flight mass spectrometer to provide high accuracy and sensitivity for MS and MS2 studies. It is used for all protein, and many small-molecule studies in the unit. Mass accuracy is less than 2 ppm. Wide dynamic range facilitates measurement of low-abundance components with background interference.
- Mass Range – 50-3200 m/z
- High Capacity – up to 6144 samples
- Automation – perform direct injection or column separation
- Injection Volume – 1uL to 100uL injection volume
- Sample Cooler/Thermostat - Cooled sample compartment down to 4°C
- DAD Module – Monitor up to 8 compound specific wavelengths. 190 – 905nm at a 120 Hz acquisition rate
- Binary Pump – recommended minimum flow rate 0.05mL/min. maximum flow rate 5mL/min, max pressure - 600 bar, pH range – 1.0 - 12.5
- MW determination of intact protein/peptides/small molecules
- relative quantitation
Documents and manuals
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ASU Unit
Knowledge Enterprise
Service | ASU/Internal |
Walk-up/hourly | $40 |