
Equipment Techniques
Agilent 6530 Quadrupole TOF LC-MS MW determination of intact protein/peptides/small molecules, relative quantitation
Agilent 6890N GC 5973N Single Quadrupole MS match retention time and fragmentation to known standards, library matching of unknown compounds, automated liquid injections, manual liquid, headspace or SPME injections
Agilent 7000D GC Triple Quadrupole MS Target known parent ions and daughter fragments, library matching of unknown compounds, manual liquid, headspace or SPME injections, match retention time and fragmentation to known standards
Bruker microFlex LRF "Molecular weight determination of intact protein, peptides, polymers, oligonucleotides, or small molecules (>200 Da)"
Bruker rapifleX MALDI TissueTyper analysis, Tissue imaging, Protein characterization, Polymer analysis, High throughput screening, Glyco analysis
LECO GCxGC Time of Flight Spectrometer match retention time and fragmentation to known standards, library matching of unknown compounds, thermal desorption, 2D GC experiments, headspace, twister and liquid injections
ThermoFisher Altis Triple Quadrupole Targeted proteomics, absolute quantitative targeted analysis of peptides or small molecules, targeted small molecule analysis
ThermoFisher Orbitrap Fusion Lumos protein identification from gel band, protein identification from solution, protein modification and targeted peptides, peptide denovo sequencing with analysis, protein quantitation