Comprehensive two-dimensional chromatography (GCxGC) and a time-of-flight mass spectrometer (TOF-MS) offers powerful detection in complex molecular mixtures. On-column cryofocusing of sample assists in detecting even very low volatility analytes. Orthogonal column phases paired with thermal modulation improves selectivity while dramatically raising signal-to-noise ratio (S/N) compared to one dimensional GC analysis. This instrument utilizes Gerstel robotic sampling arm with liquid, SPME, headspace, Twister, and thermal desorption applications available. Please enquire for more information.
- Mode of operation: EI standard
- Filaments: Dual filaments for EI
- Transfer line temperature: 0 to 400 °C
- Ion source temperature: 150 to 350 °C
- Quadrupole temperature: 150 to 200 °C
- Mass range: 5 to 1,000 m/z
- Gerstel Autosampler System – with cooled injection system (CIS)
- Liquid injection
- Headspace injection
- SPME injection
- Thermal desorption
- match retention time and fragmentation to known standards
- library matching of unknown compounds
- thermal desorption
- 2D GC experiments
- headspace, twister and liquid injections
ASU Unit
Knowledge Enterprise
Please see our rates page for detailed pricing information.