ThermoFisher Orbitrap Fusion Lumos


This ThermoFisher instrument is coupled with a 3000 Ulitmate LC System to provide the most advanced mass spectrometer for proteomics work flows. The instrument's latest innovation includes the Advanced Peak Determination (APD) algorithm for improved data-dependent experiments and 1,000,000 FWHM ultra-high resolution for improved structural elucidation and quantitation of isobaric compounds.

Protein ID from gel band, Protein ID from solution, Protein modification and targeted peptides, peptide denovo sequencing with analysis, protein quantitation (mass tagging TMT or SILAC)

  • protein identification from gel band
  • protein identification from solution
  • protein modification and targeted peptides
  • peptide denovo sequencing with analysis
  • protein quantitation
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ASU Unit
Knowledge Enterprise

Please see our rates page for detailed pricing information.