EMC’s 50th Anniversary

EMC 50th anniversary logo

Celebrating EMC’s 50th Anniversary celebration

March 7th 2025 - ASU Old Main - Carson Ballroom


Click here to register for the event. Registration closes 02/28/2025

Students, please fill out the posters submission form here as soon as possible as space is limited.

Poster size: 30x40"

Poster prizes are:

  • 1st place: $500 in EMC facility usage
  • 2nd place: $300 in EMC facility usage
  • 3rd place: $100 in EMC facility usage

We encourage the winners to use the prize to learn a new technique or work on a project they are interested in and are not otherwise funded for.


Welcome and Introductions
Chair - Peter Crozier

8:30 AM



9:00 AM

Welcome – Peter Crozier, Chair, Eyring Materials Center (EMC) Board


9:10 AM

Sally Morton - Executive Vice President, Knowledge Enterprise (KE)


9:20 AM

Kenro Kusumi - Senior Vice Provost and Dean, The College of Liberal Arts and Science (The College)


9:30 AM

Brief History and Introduction to EMC – Emmanuel Soignard, EMC


9:50 AM

Kyle Squires – Senior Vice Provost of Engineering, Computing and Technology; Vice Provost of the Polytechnic Campus;
Dean, Fulton School of Engineering (FSE)


Founding the Center for Solid State Science 1974
Chair - Peter Crozier

10:00 AM

The Beginning – Peter Buseck, Emeritus Regents' Professor, ASU


10:20 AM

Director’s View – Alex Navrotsky, Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering and The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, ASU


10:30 AM

Director’s View – Ray Carpenter, Emeritus Professor, ASU


10:35 AM



First Decades - Building an International Reputation
Chair - David J. Smith

11:00 AM

Electron Microscopy blooming in the desert: the beginnings of the Eyring Materials Center
- Ondrej Krivanek, Founder Nion Company and Adjunct Professor, Department of Physics, ASU


11:20 AM

LeRoy Eyring: A Visionary - Renu Sharma, National Institute of Science and Technology,  Gaithersburg


11:40 AM

Experiences of a Research Scientist in the Eyring Materials Center/CSSS during the 1980s and 1990s  
- Rick Hervig,
School of Earth and Space Exploration, ASU


12:00 PM

Lunch and Student Posters


Advancing Solid State Science, Materials Science, and NanoScience
Chair - Tom Sharp

1:30 PM

Director’s View – David J. Smith, Dept of Physics, ASU


1:40 PM

From electron nanodiffraction to 4D-STEM: EMC’s contributions to materials science
- Jian-Min Zuo, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign


2:00 PM

Discovery of New Nanomaterial Phases and NanoArt - Moon Kim, University of Texas at Dallas


2:20 PM

In Search of Catalytically Active Centers of Solid Catalysts - Jingyue Liu, Department of Physics, ASU


2:40 PM

Advancing Atomically Thin Quantum Materials with EMC’s Unparalleled Metrology Capabilities
- Seth Tongay, Materials Science and Engineering, ASU


3:00 PM



The Road Ahead - The Future of EMC and Shared Facilities
Chair - Peter Crozier

3:30 PM

Director’s View – Tom Sharp, School of Earth and Space Exploration, ASU


3:40 PM

Is TEM/STEM still useful as a Microscope: a case study of “twisted epitaxy”? - Robert Sinclair, Stanford University


4:00 PM

Towards the Renaissance Era in Electron Microscopy: From Soft & In-Situ Microscopy to High Throughput & AI-enabled Discovery
Vinayak Dravid, Northwestern University


4:20 PM

Panel Discussion –Umberto Celano (ECEE), Tom Collela (KE), Vinayak Dravid (Northwestern),
Lara Ferry
(KE), Robert Sinclair (Stanford), Emmanuel Soignard (EMC), Seth Tongay (SEMTE)


Open Microphone

5:00 PM

Free comments and discussion


5:30 PM
