Xenocs Xeuss 3.0 small angle X-ray scattering instrument.
- windowless Eiger2 R 1M Dectris hybrid pixel silicon sensor
- sample to detector distance from 50 mm to 1800mm
- horizontal and vertical detector translation to increase Q range
Sample chamber:
- large evacuated sample chamber
- stage travel > 100mm with 1µm resolution
Sample holders:
- 27 positions capillary holder
- 26 positions solid sample holder
- 15 positions thin film sample holder
- 8 positions powder/gel sample holder
- Multi-refillable capillary holder, 4°C to 50°C
- Standard and advanced grazing Incidence SAXS/WAXS stage
- Multisample Peltier temperature stage, -20C to 150°C, with GI-SAXS/WAXS configuration
- Linkam HFSX350 temperature stage, -150 - 350°C, with GI-SAXS/WAXS configuration
- Linkam MFS350 modular force stage
- T from -150 to 350°C
- force beams: 0-2N / 0-20N / 0-600N
- Couelle shear stage
- Humidity stage
- Rh 1% to 95% at 10°C to 70°C
Other options:
- Bonse Hart USAXS option with Si(111) channel cut monochromator to extend the low Q range
- BioCuve flow cell assembly
- InLine UV-Vis for the BioCube (200-720nm)
- BioXolver sample loading robot for sample loading and cell washing and cleaning in the BioCube
- Auxiliary source for high-intensity GI-WAXS
- InXight Module for X-ray transmission imaging
- 14 mm field of view and 20µm resolution.
Training required to operate
Radiation safety training is required prior to requesting training on the instrument via iLab. Once your radiation safety training is complete, bring your dosimeter badge, which is required to operate the instrument.
Rui Zhang
Associate Research Scientist
Xin Guo
Research Lab Manager
- X-ray diffraction
- Sample Temperature Control
- Simultaneous Tensile/Scattering
- Radiographic Image Mapping
- Biosolution Scattering with pipeting Robot
ASU Unit
Knowledge Enterprise
Cost for ASU Internal | Cost for ASU Internal with Staff Assistance | Cost for Other Academic/Non-Profit | Cost for Other Academic/Non-Profit with Staff Assistance |