The STOE STADI P dual diffractometer is a transmission X-ray diffractometer using monochromated Kα1 radiation. On the left side of the instrument, the system is able to accommodate both a Mo source and a Cu source. By default the system is run using the Mo source for which the detector is optimal. On the right side, the diffractometer uses an Ag source, and it is also the side where we can do non-ambient measurements with the cryostream and the high-temperature stage.
X-ray sources:
- CuKα
- MoKα
- AgKα
Sample mount:
- Available on both diffractometers:
- Transmission sample holder
- Capillaries sample holder
- Coin cells (2032) sample holder
- Available on the Cu and Mo source side
- Automated sample changer
- Pouch cell battery holder
- tr5nsmission sample cell for liquid, gel and air-sensitive samples
- Available on the Ag source side
- Pre-aligned capillary sample holder
- Pair distribution function (PDF) measurments with Q up to 21Å-1
- High temperature reaction chamber (in capillary), RT to 1550°C
- Oxford cryostream 1000, 80-400K (-193.15°C to 126.85°C), in capillary mode
- On the Cu and Mo source side: Single module Strip detector Mythen2 1K Dectris
- 18.9° in standard configuration
- 1280 channels
- 450µm thick sensor optimal for CuKα and MoKα
- On the Ag source side: Module with Four single modules Strop detectors Mythen2 1K Dectris
- 18° 2θ gap between modules
- 1280 channels per module
- 1000 µm thick sensors optimal for AgKα
Training required to operate
Radiation safety training is required prior to requesting training on the instrument via iLab. Once your radiation safety training is complete, bring your dosimeter badge, which is required to operate the instrument.
Rui Zhang
Associate Research Scientist
Xin Guo
Research Lab Manager
- X-ray diffraction
Cost for ASU Internal | Cost for ASU Internal with Staff Assistance | Cost for Other Academic/Non-Profit | Cost for Other Academic/Non-Profit with Staff Assistance |