ANALYTICAL: Total organic carbon/nitrogen analysis - Shimadzu TOC-L


The Shimadzu TOC/TN analyzes liquid samples for total carbon (TC), inorganic carbon (IC), total organic carbon (TOC), and non-purgeable organic carbon (NPOC). The TN unit allows for simultaneous TOC and Total Nitrogen (TN) analysis. A known amount of sample is introduced into the instrument and is either combusted (TC, TOC, NPOC) or acidified and purged (IC). Carbon content is measured as CO2 by non-dispersive infrared gas analysis. The TOC-VC combustion analyzer has a measuring range of 1 mg C/L to 25,000 mg C/L with reproducibility of 1.5% CV. It has a wide range of applications from ultra-pure water to highly contaminated water. It is capable of multiple standard level and multiple constituent analyses in a single automated run.

  • Combustion catalytic oxidation and NDIR determination of carbon and nitrogen in aqueous samples.
Documents and manuals
ASU Unit
Knowledge Enterprise
Service ASU rate Nonprofit/other academic rate Notes
Setup fee $30/analyte $40/analyte Setup includes calibration, QC and blank analyses
Analysis $9/sample/analyte $26.80/sample/analyte  

