
Please note: Rates increased July 1, 2024.

For current labor rates, please reference the rate sheet at the bottom of the "About" page.

ANALYTICAL: Discrete analyzer - Seal AQ2

Service ASU rate Nonprofit/other academic rate Notes
Setup fee $30/analyte $40/analyte Setup includes calibration, QC and blank analyses
Analysis $3.50/sample/analyte $17/sample/analyte  


ANALYTICAL: Flow injection analysis - Lachat QC 8000

Service ASU rate Nonprofit/other academic rate Notes
Setup fee $30/analyte $40/analyte Setup includes calibration, QC and blank analyses
Flow injection analysis $3.50/sample/analyte $17/sample/analyte  


ICP: Agilent 5900 optical emission spectrometer (with SVDV)

Service ASU rate Nonprofit/other academic rate Notes
Setup fee $74.90 $96.30 Setup includes calibration, QC and blank analyses
Analysis $9/sample $26.80/sample 30% discount for >60 samples, 30% additional charge for solvent/difficult samples


ICP: Thermo Scientific Neoma MC-ICP-MS

Service ASU rate Nonprofit/other academic rate Notes
Charges are per analytical day (includes any of the below) $1337.50/analytical day $1765.50/analytical day  
Nd, Sr, or Pb isotope routine analysis (MC-ICP-MS)      
Nd, Sr, or Pb isotope custom analysis (MC-ICP-MS)      
Mo or U isotope routine analysis by double spike MC-ICP-MS      
Mo or U isotope custom analysis by double spike MC-ICP-MS      
Fe, Cu, Zn isotope routine analysis (SSB MC-ICP-MS)      
Fe, Cu, Zn isotope custom analysis (SSB MC-ICP-MS)      
Ca isotope routine analysis of carbonate or phosphate (double spike MC-ICP-MS      
Ca isotope custom analysis from complex matrix (double spike MC-ICP-MS)      

ICP: Thermo Scientific Quadrupole ICP-MS

Service ASU rate Nonprofit/other academic rate Notes
Equipment setup $74.90/session $96.30/session  
ICP-MS analysis, <60 samples $13.20/sample $18.20/sample  
ICP-MS analysis, >60 samples, or <3 elements $9.20/sample $12.80/sample  
ICP-MS analysis, custom element list or difficult samples $17.10/sample $34.80/sample  

IRMS: Costech Elemental Analyzer

Service ASU rate Nonprofit/other academic rate Notes
Bulk d13C and d15N (EA-IRMS), <10 trays (490 capsules) $9/capsule $26.80/capsule  

IRMS: GasBench and Heating Block

Service ASU rate Nonprofit/other academic rate Notes
Gas bench-IRMS analysis of d13C or d18O in carbonates, <500 vials $13.20/vial $18.20/vial  
Gas bench-IRMS analysis of 13C or 18O in carbonates, > 500 vials $9.20/vial $12.80/vial  

IRMS: LGR DLT-100 Liquid Water Isotope Analyzer

Activity category Example activities ASU rate

non-profit rate

Instrument set up fee Level 1     LGR DLT-100     $30 $40 Rates charged per user, per analytical session
Sample charge Level 2     LGR DLT-100     $9 $26.80 Rates charged per user, per analytical session

IRMS: OI Analytical TOC Analyzer

Service ASU rate Nonprofit/other academic rate Notes
TOC-IRMS analysis of liquid samples for 13C of DOC or DIC, < 500 samples $13.20/vial $18.20/vial  
TOC-IRMS analysis of liquid samples for 13C of DOC or DIC, > 500 samples $9.20/vial     $12.80/vial  

NWR193UC Laser Ablation Platform

Service ASU rate Nonprofit/other academic rate Notes
Sampling Day rate linked to which instrument it is coupled with. Day rate linked to which instrument it is coupled with.  

PREP: Cutting mill - Wiley

Service ASU rate Nonprofit/other academic rate Notes
Equipment use N/A N/A Contact staff for training