
This unique combination of resources provides researchers all the tools needed to conduct tissue, cell and stem cell culture-based research. The RegenMed Facility at ASU offers the following services and applications:

  • PCR
    • qPCR – real time PCR for a broad range of applications, including gene expression, genetic variation, and gene regulation.
    • Thermocyclers
    • Nanodrop One and Qbit 3.0 Fluorometer for quantification
  • Gel Doc Scanner
    • DNA/RNA analysis
    • Chemiluminescence imaging
    • fluorescence imaging
    • colorimetric imaging
    • analysis of nucleic acid and protein gels, blots, and macroarrays
    • illumination control: trans-UV (302nm), trans white, epi-white
    • 480BP70 62 mm, for Hoechst/coumarin
    • CCD camera with image resolution of 4 mega pixels, 4.65 x 4.65 µm pixel size
  • ThermoScientific Heraeus MegaFuge 16R & 8R
    • 50ml, 15ml, culture plate rotors
    • Megafuge 8R can reach maximum speeds of 17,850 RPM and maximum RCF of 30,279 x g (with fixed angle rotor). This refrigerated centrifuge has a temperature range of -10° to +40°C.
    • The Megafuge 16R can reach maximum speeds of 15,200 RPM and maximum RCF of 25,830 x g.
  • BioTek Synergy H1 Plate Reader
    • Multimode microplate reader with top and bottom fluorescence intensity
    • UV-visible absorbance
    • luminescence
    • fluorescence polarization
    • TRF &TR-FRET detection
    • Temperature control to 45ºC and shaking
    • Available filters include BLUE/GREEN, GRN FP VSBL K, and HTRF
  • Leica DMi8 Inverted Fluorescent Microscope
    • Inverted Epi-fluorescent microscope with a 5, 10, 20 and 40x LWD Phase objectives and DAPI, FITC, TxRed and Cy5 filters.
    • DFC345 FX monochrome camera
    • Image tiling
  • Olympus/Evident VS200 Slide Scanner
    • Brightfield color [H&E, DAB, various stains], Polarized light, Darkfield, Fluorescence with five channels: DAPI/FITC/TRITC/Cy5/Cy7
    • Objectives: 2x, 4x, 10x, 20x, 40x [Dry] and 60x [Oil]
    • Hamamatsu sCMOS Orca Fusion and a CMOS color camera
  • Cell Culture Facilities
    • 1300 Series A2 Class II, Type A2 Biological Safety Cabinets
    • VWR® Air Jacketed CO2 Incubators
    • Mycoplasma testing
  • Histology Services
    • ICC/IHC processing
    • FFPE [formalin fixed paraffin embedding]
    • Cryostat or Microtome sectioning
  • Storage availability at -150C and -80C for boxes or racks.


This is a sample list of applications available within the core. Please contact for any questions regarding additional capabilities.