
Applied Biosystem QuantStudio 3 Real Time PCR

Service ASU rate Nonprofit/other academic rate Notes
Applied Biosystem QuantStudio 3 Real Time PCR $16/hr $39/hr QuantStudio 3 Real-Time PCR System with 96-well 0.2-mL block and laptop computer.

BioTek Synergy H1 Plate Reader

Service ASU rate Nonprofit/other academic rate Notes
BioTek Synergy H1 Plate Reader $16/hr $27/hr Multimode microplate reader with top and bottom fluorescence intensity, UV-visible absorbance, luminescence, fluorescence polarization, TRF &TR-FRET detection. Temperature control to 45ºC and shaking. Includes one filter cube with filters, and Gen5 data analysis software.

Cell Culture Facilities

Service ASU rate Nonprofit/other academic rate Notes
Cell Culture Facilities $25, $15, $10/hr $50, $30, $20/hr Provides access to the cell culture hoods, incubators and pipettors. Consumables not included. Rates based on monthly usage [0-15hrs, 15-30hrs, 30+hrs]

Freezer Storage Box/Rack

Service ASU rate Nonprofit/other academic rate Notes
-150 Box/Rack $36/$360 $70/$700 Yearly storage rate for box or rack of 10.
-80 Box/Rack $11/$110 $22/$220 Yearly storage rate for box or rack of 10.

General Equipment Usage

Service ASU rate Nonprofit/other academic rate Notes
General Membership Level I $45/mo   Provides access to general equipment such as thermocyclers, spectrometers, gel scanner, and heat blocks. Consumables not included.
General Membership Level II $80/mo   Includes all equipment listed in Level I membership plus use of the cryostat and microtome. Consumables not included.

HistoCore PEARL Automated Tissue Processor

Service ASU rate Nonprofit/other academic rate Notes
Tissue Processing $7, $5/sample $10, $8/sample Rate based on number of samples [1-10, 11+]. Processing includes automated dehydration and embedding using the PEARL processor.
Manual Tissue Processing $12/sample $15/sample  

Leica DMi8 Inverted Fluorescent Microscope

Service ASU rate Nonprofit/other academic rate Notes
Leica DMi8 Inverted Fluorescent Microscope $16/hr $27/hr Epifluorescent microscope with a 5, 10, 20 and 40x LWD objectives and DAPI, FITC, TxRed and Cy5 filters. DFC345 FX monochrome camera.

RMBF - Leica CM1950 Cryostat

Service ASU rate Nonprofit/other academic rate Notes
Unassisted use $12, $7.50, $5/hr $16, $12, $10/hr Rates based on hourly use of 0-15hrs, 15-30hrs, 30+hrs. Additional charge for supplementary supplies. 
Technical assistance $53/hour $84/hour  
Materials: high profile blades     $4/blade $4/blade $180/ box
Materials: low profile blades $4/blade     $4/blade $180/ box
Materials: electro-statically charged glass slides $37/box $37/box Positively charged slides used in immunohistochemistry and cytology. Electrostatic positive charging allows for better adherence of samples to the slide. A box includes 72 slides measuring 3” x 1”.
Materials: square plastic molds $15/set $15/set A set includes 10 molds. Plastic molds can be used for either wax embedding of samples or cryofreezing.

RMBF - Leica RM2235 Microtome

Service ASU rate Nonprofit/other academic rate Notes
Unassisted use $12, $7.50, $5/hr $16, $12, $10/hr Rates based on hourly use of 0-15hrs, 15-30hrs, 30+hrs. Additional charge for supplementary supplies. Additional charge for supplementary supplies
Technical assistance $53/hour $84/hour  
Materials: high profile blades $4/blade $4/blade  
Materials: electro-statically charged glass slides     $37/box     $37/box     Positively charged slides used in immunohistochemistry and cytology. Electrostatic positive charging allows for better adherence of samples to the slide. A box includes 72 slides measuring 3” x 1”.
Materials: square plastic molds $15/set     $15/set A set includes 10 molds. Plastic molds can be used for either wax embedding of samples or cryofreezing.

ST5010 Autostainer XL Automated Slide Stainer

Service ASU rate Nonprofit/other academic rate Notes
Histology staining/slide $7, $5/slide $15/slide Processed by staff using autostainer. Includes basic H&E staining. Other stains or antibody labeling may include an additional charge. Rate based on number of samples [1-10, 11+].