RMBF - Olympus VS200 Slide Scanner


The VS200 slide scanner is an upright automated microscope equipped with two cameras: a Hamamatsu sCMOS Orca Fusion and a CMOS color camera. Additional features listed below. *Note: All objectives are dry LWD except for the 60x. The system has an automatic oil dispenser.

  • 6 slide capacity VS200 slide scanner tray
  • 6 microscope objectives:
    [DRY] 2x for initial mask scan
    [DRY] 4x (UPLXAPO)
    [DRY] 10x (UPLXAPO10X OBJECTIVE, OFN26.5, NA 0.40, WD 3.1mm)
    [DRY] 20x (UPLXAPO20X (NA 0.8)
    [DRY] 40x (UPLXAPO40X OBJECTIVE, OFN26.5, NA 0.95, WD 0.18mm, W/CC)
    [OIL] 60x objective (UPLXAPO60X OIL OBJECTIVE, OFN26.5, NA1.42, WD0.15mm)
  • Automatic oil dispenser
  • Individual filter sets for spectral separation instead of multiband filters
  • Offline software for image analysis and editing
  • Capabilities:
    Brightfield color [H&E, DAB, various stains]
    Polarized light
    Fluorescence with five channels: DAPI/FITC/TRITC/Cy5/Cy7
  • Brightfield
  • whole slide scanner
  • Polarized imaging
  • darkfield imaging
  • High quality fluorescence imaging
ASU Unit
Knowledge Enterprise
Service ASU rate Nonprofit/other academic rate Notes
Unassisted use $18/hour $22/hour  
Technical assistance $53/hour $84/hour  
Whole slide Image BF $6/slide $8/slide

20x Obj

Whole slide Image BF $11/slide $16/slide 40x Obj
Whole slide Image BF $13/slide $19/slide 60x Obj
Whole slide Image IF $13/slide $19/slide 20x, 40x, 60x Obj



Olympus VS200 Slide Scanner