Get started

Please contact us to schedule free consultation. All users must have an account on iLab in order to schedule instruments and training. If you do not already have an account, go to the iLab home page and follow the instructions to create an account.

Required safety trainings

Once you have Career EDGE access, you will need to complete the following trainings before working in our labs.

To request services

Once you have been accepted into your PI’s lab and assigned an account, you can create service requests.

  1. Navigate to our page on iLab.
  2. Sign in to iLab using the button in the upper-right-hand corner of the screen.
  3. Under the Request Services tab, click on the “Request Service” button next to "Bioinformatics Analysis (NGS)."
  4. Complete the form and submit your request.

The facility will review your request and either agree to the work, or they will ask for more information if needed.