Surface Probe Microscopy, SPM, consists of a family of modes which monitor the interaction between a very sharp tip and the sample surface to produce nanometer scale images in three dimensions.
Bruker MultiMode 8
- This versatile system can be used for a variety of studies involving Contact Mode (CM), Tapping Mode (TM), Magnetic Force Microscopy (MFM), Conductive AFM (C-AFM), Force Modulation (FM), Lift Mode (LM), Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy, aka Surface Potential (KPFM), along with Peak Force Quantitative Nanomechanical Property Mapping (PF-QNM) and Nanoindentation.
* New ScanAsyst mode automatically adjusts imaging parameters to optimize your image.
- Scans up to 140 microns laterally (X and Y) and 5.5 microns vertically (Z)
- Stage accommodates samples up to 12 mm x 12 mm
- Nanoscope V controller for improved resolution using higher scan rates.
- All modes currently operate in ambient only.
Sample preparation
Qualification and Training
Students must be trained to use the SPMs in the facility. Appointments need to be made for training via iLab. Initiate a Service/Training Request in iLab through the GMSF Core. Training typically consists of 3-5 sessions. Session 1 consists of a short overview of the SPM, with complete instructions on how to obtain an image. Each session is usually 2-3 hours in length. Sessions are scheduled and confirmed through your iLab request. Once trained, students may use the lab 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, with the exception of training hours, certain tours, and classes.
Users must attend the ASU Lab Safety and Fire Safety courses.
Anthony Woolson
Research Specialist
- Surface imaging
- File
- File
Cost for ASU Internal | Cost for ASU Internal with Staff Assistance | Cost for Other Academic/Non-Profit | Cost for Other Academic/Non-Profit with Staff Assistance |