
Equipment Techniques
1514 Solvent Hood solvent cleaning, Spin coating, EBR
6 inch Solvent hood solvent cleaning
6 inch Wet Etch Hood Wafer cleaning
AlWin21 RTP rapid thermal processing
AMAT 8330 Etching
AMAT Centura AP 300mm Plasma Etcher Reactive ion etching
Amerimade Acid Hood Wet Etching
Angstrom #1 (Room 1504 South) Thermal evaporation, Filament evaporation, Nitrogen glovebox spin coating
Applied Materials AKT1600 Reactive ion etching of various layers and thicknesses of dielectrics and metals, Plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition
Applied Materials P5000 Plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition
Bagging Station Parts Bagging Station
Biologic BCS-810/BCS-815 Battery Tester + Associated Environmental Systems SD-508-ATP Environmental Test Chamber Titration
Camera Equipped Microscope Optical Microscopy
Cary 5000 UV-Vis-NIR Spectrophotometer Absorbance, Transmittance, and Reflectance Measurement: Optical Characterization of thin-films and liquids
CEE Model 300 Spin Coater Spin coating
CHA Metal Evaporator e-beam evaporation
CHA TCO Evaporator SR-10 Evaporation deposition
Cole-Parmer Hot Plate Heating
Copper Mountain S5085 Network Analyzer Vector Network Analysis, S-Parameter Analysis
Despatch Oven Photolithography
DYMAX 5000 UV Flood Lamp Bonding, Curing of photosensitive materials
Ecopia Hall Effect Measurement System hall measurement
Electroglas 2001x Probe System Semiconductor wafer probing
Explorer Pro Scale mass measurement
Filmetrics F50 Reflectometer Reflectometry
FormFactor Tesla CM300 Probe station Probe station for electrical characterization of integrated circuit devices, Titration
FP-10 Stylus Profilometer Accurate profile measuring
Fujifilm Dimatix DMP-2831 Materials Inkjet Printer Inkjet Printing
Gasonics L3510 Ashing, Photoresist removal
Gen II Custom Probe System Electrical testing
Heidelberg MLA-300 Lithography
Hewlett-Packard 3457A Multimeter Benchtop measurement of resistance, voltage, and current, Resistance to 3 GOhm, Voltage to 300v, Current to 3A, GPIB-based automated data acquisition
Hewlett-Packard 4284A LCR Meter Capacitance Testing, 20Hz – 1MHz, Capacitance-Frequency Sweeps, Capacitance-Voltage Sweeps, Inductance Measurement
Hioki RM2610 Electrode Resistance Tester High precision four point sheet resistance measurement.
Horiba GD-Profiler 2 Glow Discharge Optical Emission Spectrometer Emission Spectroscopy
HP T630 Plotter (36” Roll) Document and Poster Printing, Inkjet printing for posters and CAD drawings, Five colors: cyan, magenta, yellow, black, and matte black
Imada PEEL Tester MV-110 Peel testing
Jinlong PEEL Tester Peel testing
KDF-744 Batch-sputtering
Keithley 237 High Voltage Source-Measure Unit (SMU) Current-Voltage (IV) Characterization to 1100v
Keithley 2611A SourceMeter Benchtop measurement of voltage, current, Voltage to 200v, Current to 1.5A, GPIB-based automated data acquisition
Keithley 4200 Semiconductor Characterization System Benchtop measurement of voltage, current, Voltage to 200v, Current to 100mA, Graphical User Interface Setup and Operation, GPIB-based automated data acquisition - advanced programming skills required
Keyence VHX-7000 Microscope high resolution optical microscopy, surface profiling, differential interference contrast
Keyence VK-X3000 3D Surface Profiler High Resolution Optical Microscopy, Surface Profiling, Non-Contact 3D Quantification, 3D Surface Measurement, Surface roughness measurements, Film Thickness Measurements
Keysight B1505A Power Device Analyzer/Curve Tracer Electrical I-V characterization for wide-bandgap semiconductor devices., Capacitance testing at high voltage bias. , High voltage testing interface to Formfactor Tesla C300 probe station.
Keysight M9484C VXG Vector Signal Generator Signal Generation
Keysight N5290A PNA-X S-parameters, Power measurements
Keysight N9042B UXA Signal Analyzer Signals Measurement & Analysis
Keysight PD1500A Dynamic Power Device Analyzer/Double-Pulse Tester Electrical I-V characterization for wide-bandgap semiconductor devices, Titration
KLA Tencor Omnimapper 4 Point Probe 4 point probe
Kruss DSA20E Easy Drop Goniometer/Contact Angle Measurement Goniometer/Contact Angle
Labulk 0335 Intelligent Tap Density Tester Tap Density Measurement
LanTec UV-ozone Cleaner Exposure Dry cleaning of organic contaminants from glass substrates
Laurell WS400B Spin Coater Spin coating
Mettler Toledo Titration Equipment Titration
Micro Manipulator 4060 Manual analytical probing
Mini Brute Tube Furnace - Model MB-80 Oxidation, Annealing, Alloying
MPI TS200 Manual Probe Station Electrical Testing for on-wafer high-frequency characterization
MRC-603A Thin film metal deposition
MRC-603B Thin film metal deposition
Nomarski Contrast Microscope differential interference contrast microscopy, Nomarski microscopy
nTact Advantage II Slot Die Coater photoresist coating, polyimide coating
Olympus MHL110 Microscope Microscopy
Osiris 1204 Coater and Developer Photolithography
Park XE-150 Atomic Force Microscope atomic force microscopy
Photon Etc Hyperspectral Imager
RF Test Bench (On-wafer) Electrical testing for high-frequency characterization, Signals generation, Signals Measurement & Analysis
RF Test Bench (Package/Benchtop)
Rohde & Schwarz FSW Signal & Spectrum Analyzer Signals Measurement & Analysis
Rohde & Schwarz SMW200A Vector Signal Generator Signal Generation
Sartorius Scale mass measurement
Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM), SU3900
Sun-Tec Laminator Lamination, Bonding
Tamar WaferScan Wafer Flatness
Tegal 901e plasma etching
Tegal 903e plasma etching
Tegal 965 Ashing
Tencor 6200 SurfScan Defect Scanner wafer defect inspection
Tencor FLX-2350FP Fim stress measurement
Tencor P-16 Profilometer Surface topography measuring
Tencor P2 Profilometer Profilometry
Thermo Nicolet 6700 FTIR Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy
Thinky ARE-310 Centrifugal Mixer Centrifugal mixing
VWR Hot Plate Heating
Western Magnum XRL180 Laminator Dry film lamination
Woollam Ellipsometer M2000 Ellipsometry
Yamato DP43 Vacuum Bake Oven Vacuum pressure curing and baking
Yamato DP63 Vacuum Bake Oven Vacuum pressure curing and baking
YES 450-PB oven Baking
YES Vapor Prime Oven HMDS Vapor Prime Oven
YES – FPO HMDS Vapor Prime Photolithography, Vacuum bake HMDS vapor priming
Yokogawa WT5000 Precision Power Analyzer High precision voltage-current measurement